Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's fall. Y'all. My favorite season of the year! What's something you love to do this time of year that makes you feel it's officially fall? And unrelated to that, do you ever say-'y'all'?

Interestingly enough raking leaves makes me feel like fall is officially here.

No I don't say 'y'all.

2. When did you last have a falling out with someone? Has it been resolved?

 I have never had a falling out with someone, and I hope to never have.

3. A song you love with the word 'fall' in it's title?

The Boys of Fall by Kenny Chesney

4. What's something you've recently let 'fall by the wayside?'

Something that I have recently let fall by the way side is yard work, it seems there are not enough hours in a day to keep up with the constant falling leaves.

5. When did you last attend an event, read a book, watch a movie, try a new recipe, or visit a shop-town-tourist attraction that fell short of your expectations? In what way?

Not to long ago my dad and I went to a local railroad museum, we had heard how great it is and how so many people love it, well when we walked in our expectations where dashed there was nothing more than a few model railroads a small bell and a few old pictures.

6. Describe a time you said or thought, 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

I know perfectly well what the saying means, but a while ago I was up on a hill behind our house picking apples when I happened to drop one it started rolling faster and faster It finally stopped rolling but it was too late it was bruised beyond edibility, so I guess you can say, in some cases, the apple does fall far from the tree.

7. Was today better than yesterday? Why or why not?

Today is not better than yesterday as it takes me closer to winter.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

To all my readers I'm sorry that I did not write a post in the last few weeks. I'll try to do better.