So having moved it into the garage I went and took that white piece of plastic off so that I could work on it a little bit better.
So as you can tell it obviously has had an exhaust leak for some time because everything is coated in oil. So I went and got the tools I needed and started working on it.
After getting all the tools I needed I went and took the exhaust pipe off and started cleaning it.
So as you can tell even the exhaust pipe had oil on it so I got out the good old brake cleaner and several rags and cleaned it all off. The engine block was also ridiculously dirty.
So I cleaned it off the best I could and then went and put the new seal into the exhaust pipe and tightened it back on.
So with it all done I started it and looked to see if it sealed up properly. It did and was much, much more quite then before.
Well once again a job well done and that's all for this one and I'll catch you on the next one.