Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Fixing the Exhaust Leak

  My four wheeler has had an exhaust leak for quite some time now and just in the last several weeks it has gotten progressively worse. So not having anything else to do I went and moved the four wheeler into the garage so I could take the exhaust off of it and fix the problem.
  So having moved it into the garage I went and took that white piece of plastic off so that I could work on it a little bit better.

  So as you can tell it obviously has had an exhaust leak for some time because everything is coated in oil. So I went and got the tools I needed and started working on it.

  After getting all the tools I needed I went and took the exhaust pipe off and started cleaning it.

  So as you can tell even the exhaust pipe had oil on it so I got out the good old brake cleaner and several rags and cleaned it all off. The engine block was also ridiculously dirty.

  So I cleaned it off the best I could and then went and put the new seal into the exhaust pipe and tightened it back on.

  So with it all done I started it and looked to see if it sealed up properly. It did and was much, much more quite then before. 
  Well once again a job well done and that's all for this one and I'll catch you on the next one.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Making the Tool Table Wrench Friendly

  Well I'm back with a new project. I was given a little roll around tool table several years ago and it just sat around accumulating odds and ends and was basically used for the storage shelves.
  I am constantly working on new projects in the garage and I got tired of having to put tools on the floor while I was working so I decided that I was going to clean the table off and turn it into the ultimate tool table. I didn't do everything I wanted to do to it but its a start.

  So as you can tell it is just the ordinary table with an annoying old fashioned electrical outlet that no longer works and every time you move the table the cord gets stuck so before I did anything else I went and took it off.
  After taking the outlet off I went and measured and cut out a 11x1/2 inch piece of metal and then proceeded to carefully weld eleven nails to that piece of metal.

   Having welded the nails securely in place I went and cleaned it up and then bolted it to the table.

  Having bolted it to the table I looked at it and asked myself what's missing? After several seconds of thought I came up with the solution.

  Aha what we need is wrenches! So I went and found myself a small set of wrenches and put the wrench holder to the test.
  Well I am quite happy with how this little project turned out and I'm sure you will spot it in many other projects to come.
  Well that's all for this one and I'll catch you on the next.